

I was looking through a Vinnies record bin today and saw this awesome looking label. I would have bought it too, but it was pretty scratched up and I'm pretty sure it only plays on a gramophone... which I don't have. But definitely worth a mention! 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Dijana

    These records play at 78 revolutions per minute. A standard vinyl LP plays at 33.3 revolutions per minute. If you get hold of an old stylus which is too worn out for use with your LPs, you can record this item at 33.3, then use free speeding up software to speed up the recording to pitch and re-record it correctly. If you google Rosita Renard and Amazon, you'll turn up a discography on their listing with references to this recording. She did one major recording, of a concert at Carnegie Hall, which got superb reviews. Chilean pianist, 1894-1949. The Brunswick label is iconic; I used to have loads of these.
